What song (songs) has been playing in the back of your head lately?
Dinosaur Pile-up called 11:11
k.flay “Dating my Dad”
What in your life do you feel grateful for?
Being alive
Great family, great friends, great job that I enjoy, live in Canada
Small things: tea, coffee, tasty tap water (Toronto!), Toronto
Don Valley Parkway
Good books, that I can read them
What do you value the most in a friendship and relationship?
Ease and fluidity of communication
Good humour
How would you go about debugging intermittent hangs in Firefox after its been on its own for a while? In the morning it is hanging, but was working when you left at night… and this happens not every day but some
The hang itself, at the point where you come back, may have enough information to be actionable. The thing to do is try to turn the hang into actionable data.
macOS and Linux, we want to crash intentionally
Get the Process ID of the parent process: ps aux | grep firefox
Crash using SIGABRT: kill -SIGABRT <process ID>, kill -SIGABRT 1327