Bug 1724199 - 10.09 - 9.23% sessionrestore_no_auto_restore / sessionrestore_no_auto_restore + 1 more (Windows) regression on Tue August 3 2021
Question time!
You’re usually working on the Rapid Release of Firefox. If you write an important patch for a bug which is also applicable to Firefox ESR (with a much higher demand of stability), how does Mozilla decide which of these patches will land in the usually much older codebase?
What books do you want to read/finish reading?
The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green
The Count of Monte Cristo
2nd book of The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson
What are some small things that make your day better?
Water, coffee, tea
Going outside
Shooting hoops
Hanging out with my partner, and playing games. Broken Age.